Saturday, September 23, 2023

Learning with Bobby

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. 
Well, neither does bathing-that’s why we recommend it daily”
 – Zig Ziglar –

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


When two verbs appear together in a sentence, the first verb determines if the second verb will be in the gerund form (-ing form) or the infinitive form (to+base form). But, how do we know if a verb is followed by the gerund or the infinitive? 

The only way is to memorize which verbs are followed by gerunds and which are followed by infinitives. If you read the photocopy, you'll find a very useful classification of verbs requiring gerunds, infinitives or both. Once you've read it through, you can practise clicking the links.
Now, Tests on Infinitive and Gerund: 

Ship or Sheep

This morning we talked about phonetics. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Leave your book on the shelf... take another.

Talk to Miss Martin
BookCrossing (also BCBCing or BXing) is defined as "the practice of leaving a book in a public place to be picked up and read by others, who then do likewise." The term is derived from a free online book club which was founded to encourage the practice, aiming to "make the whole world a library."

If you want to be a "bookcrosser", leave a book on the shelf which is in the hall. Do not forget to seal the book! Then you can take home another book. Please, write the date you receive it on the cover. If you want to free the book again, write down the date you release it.

Be a good "bookcrosser" and respect The three R's of  BookCrossing (BC):

  •  Read 
  •  Register 
  •  Release 

Enjoy the reading!!

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