Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Time at IES don Bosco

On Christmas, there’s a reason to be happy and a reason to smile, 
and there’s a reason why I’m sending Christmas wishes your way. 
You’re it.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

BC at IES Don Bosco

Leave a book on the shelf 

BookCrossing (also BCBCing or BXing) is defined as "the practice of leaving a book in a public place to be picked up and read by others, who then do likewise." The term is derived from bookcrossing.com a free online book club which was founded to encourage the practice, aiming to "make the whole world a library."

If you want to be a "bookcrosser", leave a book on the shelf which is in the hall. Then you can take home another book. Please, write the date you receive it on the cover. If you want to free the book again, write down the date you release it.

Be a good "bookcrosser" and respect The three R's of  BookCrossing (BC):

 Read 
 Register 
 Release 

Enjoy the reading!!

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